/* ----------------------------------------------------- Blogger Template Style Booted from wordpress to blogspot by Gecko Name: Death Designer: URL: http://www.geckoandfly.com Date: 27 April 2007 ------------------------------------------------------ */ Moonlit scribbles: August 2007

Friday, August 17, 2007

Some things that one wouldn't say

I don't think I'm a good exco. There are some things that I would strongly prefer to say and not keep in my heart. Ah well, council elections are here at last, for students to vote. We spent 2 hours trying to decide who gets in and who goes out. And the final list wasn't something I really hoped for. Those that we got through immediately only accounted for 11 people. So essentially, you have another 10, which were borderline cases. Very worrying indeed. I just hope council will become a greater place, and all these new people are not going to disturb the dynamics of the new team.

Ah well, it's saddening to see so many things happening. And I can't do anything. I have this bad feeling that this year would be like P6, screwing up the bulk of the time. The signs are here, lagging in homework, etc...

I'm worried, and I'm really worried.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Wasting time

Sometimes, I really don't know if I have good friends that are fun people. Everyone just seem to be in their own cliques. And I seem so unpopular. But I shan't lament why people don't like me. I think I know it all too well. I'm overly POLITICAL; I screw people up everyday; I look ARROGANT, etc etc.

Blah blah. People can talk all they want. And I don't care.


I just need to be a more popular character in school some day? Like those uber popular people (aka reiko/ bean/ cheryl).

Maybe I need to find some sanctuary to escape into. It's been tiring, and while I need to gain momentum for the last run, I can't and I'm faltering. I'm addicted to gaming again, wasting my time away.

Ahh. So much for being me.

Monday, August 6, 2007


最近日子,我总是心不在焉。不知怎么的,我想做的功课,就是做不完成。但我想我累了。权、名、利、义、等等的斗争,我不想再要了。我只想读好书,做好人,过好生活。 不要了,真希望着一切能快快的离去,就如它快快的来。

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Some updates

Ah, I'm getting a little time before I'm back down doing heavy work again ): Saturday passed rather peacefully with the DSA camp occuring. I had a very interesting group, a group that wasn't that united, a group that insulted me the whole day. Oh, and the, there were two cute girls in Red 10, which I kinda noticed. And no, I'm no pedophile! One wore full sports suite, and the other, which I recognised, was one of the winners for the SYSF. Talked to a couple of teachers that day, and I realised how fast rumours spread. Should the year 4s give the school one more chance?

The Year 4 PSLs are not going to get any EXCO posts, next year, which is unfair! They have after all, worked so hard for that. Those hopes of finally passing the baton, the hopes of finally showing what they are capable of, goes to nought. And I'm pissed. The school just doesn't bother about the year 4s. Are we a batch being sandwiched, destined to be debuggers of faulty systems? Hello! It's our future at stake, it's only your reputation. And the best reply they got was "All your CAP are below 4, even if you have leadership, I don't think next year you can cope with both."

Fine. The yr 4 PSLs have a CAP of below 4. Some are slackers, but some really shine! So why? And Nat, Reico, all have a CAP of below 4. What's the big deal? If they want to give the year 3s LEAP points, say it now! But they ought to plan some things in mind for the current year 4s. Arrgh, I shall not be angry. It's school politics. I'm just pissed off. Do ignore me.

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