/* ----------------------------------------------------- Blogger Template Style Booted from wordpress to blogspot by Gecko Name: Death Designer: URL: http://www.geckoandfly.com Date: 27 April 2007 ------------------------------------------------------ */ Moonlit scribbles: September 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

A string of interesting things happened yesterday. It sort of made me realise how screwed a life I've been living. I just sat there in the MRT train, thinking why I even bothered waking up early to do my IR, when the profs are doing all the analysis. I feel abused as a lab technician. An entire morning in the lab doing boring, routine stuff, just left me bewildered.

Secondly was that I didn't need to go back to school anymore. I wondered why I've burning so many sats and nights in school. I think I probably won't work so hard for council, since expansion is coming soon. More things to do next year, not now.

Thirdly, I'm sick. Yeah, it's the type of flu, and headache, and you can't do work type. Screw the weather.

Something gross was seen by me on Friday evening. A girl was doing a bl**j*b on the bus to a guy, and they sat in the middle of the bus! So obscene right? And she even licked her tongue. Arrgh.

Many people had their birthdays recently, and I didn't get to wish them. :(

Signing off to Mars.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sending those projects

I'm going to blog about yesterday, because they seem to hold some significance to my thoughts. I was rushing through my Chinese project, so that I could produce a good piece. Unsurprisingly, I did the bulk, because Chee Guan ain't that good at designing. And so I slogged, and finished. And it ended around 5+. So I looked for somewhere to print. The hostel com was apparently spoilt, because of the keyboard. And the GO had no one there. So I had to get a teacher to print for me. Ah well. Then I rushed down via Taxi. But was trapped at their guard house. And another RI guy was there! But it was not the baomihua person who came to get us, it was some friday weekly. I'm terribly apologetic, and thankful to that sweet person.

And today, I told one of them about me taking the cab, and she seemed nonchalant. She questioned why I took a cab, and her thanks came off rather, disapproving. I ddin't have to go down. Because I didn't mind, I did it. And the thanks came off not very good.

I don't like not getting credit. And I swear I'll do well for Chem O, if I get in.

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