/* ----------------------------------------------------- Blogger Template Style Booted from wordpress to blogspot by Gecko Name: Death Designer: URL: http://www.geckoandfly.com Date: 27 April 2007 ------------------------------------------------------ */ Moonlit scribbles: Inflammatory words

Monday, November 26, 2007

Inflammatory words

I know I've made many enemies unknowingly. I suppose many people dislike me for being me: harsh, blunt, fake, etc. But I am not fake. I do not go around spreading rumors. Every word I say, I make sure it is true, at least for me. If people don't want to hear, then I am sorry, please leave.

I really have to say sorry to the people I've used Xs and Ys to represent you all. I realise that placing you as an anon won't serve any purpose. I used to think that by doing so, I could protect myself, but I am wrong. It doesn't help protecting me, but it delivers more pain. So from now on, any person there is, I won't use symbols to represent you.

This is my weakness. I need to change. There are so many things I am fed-up with myself, that I am not going to combine with this post. This is an appeal to anyone who bothers to read my blog, to actually drop me an email, or come up to tell me, how can I improve myself better.

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